Monday, March 22, 2010

New Name??

Ok, so I decided to change my blog name yesterday. I have been "blogging" for over a year now but decided I didn't like my blog's name. Bethany's Blog seemed to look better that The Johnson Chronicals, but I am still not certain I have found the perfect, creative name. Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy First Day of Spring

Even though today doesn't feel very springy (its about 43 outside), I am so excited about the first day of Spring! This is dedicated to the things I love about Spring!!

The Colors and Flowers that start appearing outside.....

Spring outfits!

Wouldn't everyone love thier outdoor area to look like this?
I love that Spring brings warmer weather and getting to grill and outside!
Like on Friday we grilled out stuffed fillet with feta cheese.
Easter Decorations (and candy like Cadberry Eggs!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is almost upon us!

I am very excited that the dark winter days are almost over. I was so happy when I walked out of work to it being light outside and got to see this pretty sunset when I got home. Hopefully there will be many more to come!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Weekend Getaway

This past weekend we went to Petite Jean Mountain to the Winrock Institute. It is a great Arkansas treasure and a great place to go and relax for a night away. They have a wonderful restaurant there and offer very fun cooking classes every other Saturday. I got to go to the Pasta class and the best part is you get to bring home what you make!!