Sunday, April 29, 2012


What a beautiful Spring weekend!
We spent the weekend getting things done around the house on Saturday and eating out with friends that night. Sunday we took Carter to church for first time , had my parents over and tested out some new grilling recipes.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

2 month!

I can't believe it's already been two months since Carter entered our world! Wow it has gone by fast.
At two months...
Weighs 10.3 lbs (we have a baby scale now that's why I'm so accurate)
Usually sleep at least a 6 or 7 hour stretch at night
Has started to smile and become more animated!
Loves wubanub passie, vibration chair, playmat, eating, car rides and walks in front pouch carrier
Now likes to be changed and baths!
Drink 4 oz every 2-3 hours during the day.
Your smiles melt our hearts!!! We love you!!

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Porch Love

We have three screen porches at our house all in need of more furniture and some TLC. It's basically like having three rooms that need to be furnished. We picked one porch to redo this weekend. I forgot to a before picture but imagine just the chairs
with no pillows and that's all that was on the porch. We found a new love for spray paint too! Both of the small tables were old, dark and rusted. Bright red spray paint gave them new life!

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Thursday, April 12, 2012


We are starting to see alot more smiles out of this boy!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Painting project

I decided to get my creative juices flowing again with a painting project (either that or 7 weeks of watching Nate Burkus on maternity leave got to me). I got the itch to do something different in our den and I thought we needed more color on the wall. Artwork is expensive so I decided to buy some canvases and use a stencil I already had to create this artwork!

Ps don't pay attention to empty curio in picture. It was just delivered and I haven't moved it yet.


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Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter weekend! It was wonderful weather and got to spend some fun times with family and friends.
Saturday we went to the church Easter egg hunt. Of course I know Carter is too young for this but his daddy was the one dressed as Easter bunny, so we had to go see him!
Saturday night we had a feast at David's mom's house.
Sunday we decided to watch service on TV. This made me sad to miss actually going to church but we didn't think our first Sunday back should be the busiest one of year. Sunday lunch was very fun at my sister's house and then Sunday night we went to our friends house for a fish fry. We didn't get a cute Easter dressed up shot because Carter peed all over his cute outfit before we had a chance..oh well!

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