Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our yard

Spring is here and we are enjoying the weather and flowers blooming everywhere in our yard....

Fresh picked roses

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


We have had a eventful few days! In fact we have gotten out if the house more the last few days than in the last month. My Aunt DeeDee from Oregon came to visit so we got to spend some great time with her. In other news Carter actually slept a 6 1/2 hour stretch this I couldn't believe the clock!
Here are some of the pictures of our fun time....
Aunt DeeDee with the newest family member

Saturday in Hot Springs

Dinner gatherings

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy One Month

At one month you...
-wear newborn outfits
-Weigh around 7 lbs
-Love your passie, vibration chair, to eat and be swaddled
-Hate to have bath and have outfit changed
-longest stretch of sleep so far at night has been 5 1/2 hours and you make lots of noises when your not in a deep sleep.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 3

Carter's three week birthday turned out to be a little too eventful. Thursday night I was holding him and he stiffened up and started shaking and then had tons of spit up coming out of his mouth. I was worried he had some kind of seizure so we went to the Children's Hospital ER. Since he is so young they kept him for two days of observation, did all kinds of tests and hooked an iv up with antibiotics in case he had a infection. This was heartbreaking to watch my sweet baby have a iv on his hand, get x rayed and be in his little hospital bed. Thankfully all the tests were normal and the doctors determined he had been choking on acid reflux which caused him to stop breathing and "seize up" but it was not a seizure. He scared his mama to death! We are so happy he is ok and we are home now. Hopefully that's the end of any eventful times for awhile.

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Monday, March 5, 2012

My loves..

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Last two weeks

We have been home now for two weeks. What a whirlwind it has been! We have been getting used to interrupted sleep and learning what our baby needs/wants with each cry. We have been blessed with lots of friends and families visiting and bringing food. And yes we have called the pediatrician's office/medical exchange to ask questions at least three times already. Yes we are those new parents :) Our hearts melt more for this baby everyday!!

Early mornings :)

Meeting new friends...

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