Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What have I been doing?

I realized it had been more than a week since I had written on my blog. I don't feel like I have been busy, but what have I been filling my time doing?
Well, I have been doing more yard work and trying to develop my green thumb. I have been laying out and trying to develop my tan. I'm thankful to have a sister who has a really nice apartment pool! I have taken up going to flea markets-does any one know any good ones outside Little Rock?
I have also discovered to joys of Netflix instant movies!
The ones I have watched recently watched Weeds (actually a tv show), Julie and Julia and I hate to admit the Hannah Montana movie.
So that's what I have been filling my time with besides blogging!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Green Thumb

Here is the start to my attempt at a green thumb. Let's see how it goes...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Weekend!

We had great weather for this Mother's Day weekend. On Saturday we spent the weekend at Lake Katherine in Hot Springs. It was awesome, besides my sunburn and I love that lake. Today, we spent most of the day working on our yard. We weed eated, trimmed bushes, and planted. We bought two tomatoe bushes and planted them. We don't really have a green thumb but are trying!! I will take pictures of our planting and post soon!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I have been trying to be more "crafty" lately. I started trying to make picture frames like I have seen in some stores around town. I have only made a few, so I am still experimenting. This is my Spring themed frame!