Monday, April 15, 2013

Home Renovations

We have been a mess around here with a full on home renovation. We got 22 new windows, our leaky sunroom ripped out and the wood trim wrapped in vinyl. We have been busy the past few weekends painting all the trim on the windows they put in. Here are some pictures...
Before and After of sunroom

A picture of the ripping room out-

A look at the inside-

New windows in our room, we are still trying to decide on window treatments.

We have also been doing our own updates on some light fixtures and painting doors.
Here is the detached garage updates-

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Monday, April 1, 2013


We had a great Easter, despite the terrible rain most of the weekend. We had bunny pancakes Saturday morning to kick the weekend off.

We went to the Hillcrest Farmers Market and got these at a bake sale there.

Sunday we went to church and then had lunch at my sister's house.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone