Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Busy Times

I work in Retail so this is a really busy and crazy time for me. This past month our store has had so many special events and promotions going on.

This past weekend was one of my favorite night of the year at our store. Its called VIP night and its a by invitation event for our best customers (and I sneak in my family). We put up tents at the entrances, we have musicians and local restraunts serve food.

Here are a few pics...

Judy our store secretary took this shot of me at the raffle table with my "friend" who shows up to every event we have in the store trying to win anything free-yes she did win an ornament at the raffle.

For anyone wondering- The one man band did take my request to play one of my favorites- "Brandy." (Jennifer you would have loved it!)

1 comment:

Marge said...

I am so mad that the hat lady showed up and I did not get to see her. I swear we have the best attendees at our events.