Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Days

Those of you who know me well know that increment weather (ice, sleet, flooding, heavy rain, hurricanes, tornadoes) really stress me out. But of all of those I dislike ice and sleet the most. Like this weekend of instance we had big plans for Saturday(looking for new kitchen floors, touring Fitness 10, going to Sushi Cafe). But now we are stuck in the house all day and if we had planned better at least would have gone and rented a bunch of movies!!

But on the flip side we are getting lots of rest and relaxation and the white covered surfaces make everything look calm and cozy. Sooo I hope the rest of you trapped inside all weekend have your heating blankets on and are staying warm and safe!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Terrible Two's

Puppy Rascal

Birthday Boy

This week Rascal turned two years old! He has enjoyed 2 new bones for his birthday but has definitely been acting like he is in his terrible two stage! :)

Here is a two year old update.

Last weigh in- 94 lbs

*Note he could weigh less now because he was quickly put on a low fat food and treat diet.

He can stay in the house all day long with no kennel and usually no accidents.

He loves to snuggle, eat paper/boxes, socks and to chase squirrels. He does not like strangers, folded laundry, door knocks and my lunch bag(not sure on why on some of these either!)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year with New Resolutions

Well with new year rolling in I began to evaluate my resolutions or goals for 2010 as many of you have. I guess if I put them out there for everyone to read it will help me stick to them!

1. Get glass shelves made for a cabinet I bought nearly 2 years ago and have vowed ever since to get done. I am going to do it in 2010!!

2. Start taking vitamins more regularly.

3. Not use my Dillard's card so much :)

4. Loose some l-b's by the time I go on a trip to Oregon in June.

5. Drink more water and less diet coke.

So it's a short list but I hope I can stick to it!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Rug

So I put to use some of my Christmas money last week and bought a new rug for our living room. Here is a before and after pic. Hope you like!

The picture quality is not as good on the after, but you can tell the new rug adds some more color to the room and the another thing you can't tell is how beat up the old rug was looking! Thanks Santa!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White....Birthday

Sunday was my Birthday and there were snow flurries all day in Little Rock, but as you can see it didn't come down enough to really make a winter wonderland :)

I also am putting up a picture of the table my mom decorated at their house for my b-day family dinner because I thought she made it look so cute!