Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Days

Those of you who know me well know that increment weather (ice, sleet, flooding, heavy rain, hurricanes, tornadoes) really stress me out. But of all of those I dislike ice and sleet the most. Like this weekend of instance we had big plans for Saturday(looking for new kitchen floors, touring Fitness 10, going to Sushi Cafe). But now we are stuck in the house all day and if we had planned better at least would have gone and rented a bunch of movies!!

But on the flip side we are getting lots of rest and relaxation and the white covered surfaces make everything look calm and cozy. Sooo I hope the rest of you trapped inside all weekend have your heating blankets on and are staying warm and safe!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Your comment about bad weather leading to stress made me laugh--remember the hurricane in auburn? i think we ended up staying in sylacauga (and losing power) while everyone in auburn had hurricane parties. fun times though!